Monday 31 January 2011

Statement - Stephanie Woods

I am interested in your Fine Art programme because I feel I will be able to excell myself in the field of visual expression. The Artists that inspire me, such as Andy Goldsworthy and Jennifer Collier, help me to think of new and exciting ways to channel ideas. Their modern styles and original concepts are the foundations of my own artistic skills and techniques. I would love to be given the opportunity to work with and learn from other talented artists, to develop my own style and to become the best I can possibly be. Making a career out of being creative is my ultimate ambition. It would be fantastic for me to be given the chance to create something that I am so passionate about, knowing that I would be working in an environment where I would be able to develop my skills and knowledge of materials to help bring some of my more ambitious ideas into fruition. Art helps me to express myself and I feel I would be a useful contribution to your Art and Design Department because I love experimenting with different media, textures and colour plays a big part in my life. I hope that I can be considered to your course and I hope to hear from you in the future.

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